In the beginning of the game during and for a little while after the tutorial many of the buildings you will need are in this area. Inside the playground there are several things you can do both alone and with friends always a max of four players though. Playgrounds: The playground is the heart of each town and is safe from Cogs. So since I don’t have anything to pick apart like most reviews, as I am genuinely very happy with everything, I’m just gonna touch on some features for those of you who have never played either or are interested in the new version, remember this is not a guide, walkthrough or tutorial this is just a pleased returning fan explaining the different things to do in the game. On the other hand I have found a lot of things where I stand there and think “Was this here before? I don’t remember this is it new new or am I out of the loop already?” Like the cog disguises, parties, Chip and Dale’s golf course? Are there new fish too?!?!? (please say yes) Overall I don’t have any complaints, I’m patient with the occasional crashes and falling through the town floor, Even big name officially released games do that (*cough* Fallout on Xbox *cough* I still love it) I haven’t found much missing either other than the doodles which has been discussed by the Rewritten team’s social media. *Note to have a custom name you must have it reviewed, and this might take a few days, or it might not, mine was accepted in less than 12 hours.

I was magenta originally felt like mixing it up. no no I still want to play it but COMPLAINTS” so on and so forth. I am very happy that this is a “by the fans for the fans” kinda game because that means they understand what we enjoyed what we didnt and what can be added without people freaking out “But THAT Wasn’t in the original!. I am very interested to see what else they will come up with. Keep in mind it is still in open Beta mode so there are some glitches and some features not yet added, but they are also adding things of their own like the elections I have heard about. This is a fan recreation of Disney’s ToonTown from the early 2000’s So far I am absolutely loving this game.

*All screenshots are taken by me, not copied from anywhere. As I mentioned in the beginning of this article I may have missed a few things, that does not mean they are not in the game, I’m a fan not a programmer/ developer I don’t know all the details or plans for the future they have in store, this is me excitedly promoting them not speaking for them. I will try to cover as much as I can but there is so much to do in this game there is no way I can explain every feature. I have been playing this game for at least 10 hours so far and have no intentions of ever quitting it again.

The overwhelming feeling of nostalgia was more than enough to immediately talk my friends ears off about it and I began taking screenshots to share it with all of you. As soon as I got home from the convention I went to their website, signed up, downloaded the launcher, waited for the updates and began playing it. I had not known that in 2013 Disney ended the game, but these wonderful people at Toontown Rewritten brought it back. I unfortunately had to give it up in 2007 when I moved from a city in Utah to a small town in Kentucky, no fast internet meant no MMO gaming. I recently came across Toontown Rewritten while attending OMGcon in Owensburo Kentucky, I was extremely excited to hear what they had to say at their booth because I played Toontown religiously as a child. Source (Toontown Rewritten “about” section) We will never require any money at all to play the game - nor any other forms of subscriptions, microtransactions, or payments.”
“Toontown Rewritten is a community revival of Disney’s retired multiplayer online game, Toontown Online.” “Toontown Rewritten will be completely free to play everyone can access all areas and activities within the game. I am not affiliated with the game in any way other than as a player and a fan. Not everything may be covered and it is possible somethings may not be correct. *Please note that this is a fan review, not a guide, walk-though or tutorial.